How to Paint Water in Watercolor

So I’ve been saying that I will be creating tutorials at some point…

….and I’m happy to say that I finally have! 

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As someone who is addicted to the water, aka the ocean, water is probably the subject I paint the most.

I have been obsessively incorporating it into pretty much every painting I’ve made in the past 4 years or so. 

After years of practice and experimentation,

I’ve developed an extremely efficient and easy way to paint water. 


Ok , cool…but I can’t paint!”


Ok, first of all, I never want to hear you say that.

So many people tell me, “I love art and enjoy it, but I’m just so bad at it” or “I’m just not artistic.

To be honest, this annoys me so much. Of course some people are more artistically inclined than others, just as some people are more naturally athletic than others. 

But c’mon. Nobody was born knowing how to do anything. 

Though I do come from a family of creative people, it’s not like that’s the reason I am “good” at art. 


It’s literally all about PRACTICE.

If you truly want to improve at something, you just gotta practice. I mean think about it: you weren’t born knowing how to walk, were you? Nah. You had to learn and practice. 

You fell a few times, cried, maybe threw a tantrum, but ultimately got back up and tried again.

Now look at you! You don’t even have to think about it.


I’ve been taking art seriously since I was about 11 years old, practicing almost every single day.

That was 10 years ago. I never took serious art classes or went to any sort of art school.

I literally learned from how-to books, Youtube, observation, and above all: experimentation.

I couldn’t paint at the level I’m at now back then, because I didn’t have the knowledge of techniques and mediums yet. (Just take a look at the painting to the right. Oof, am I right?)


So maybe you “can’t paint” right now.


You are fully capable of doing anything you set your mind to and are passionate about. Trust me. 


Need another example to convince you?

I took up surfing about 1 ½ years ago. Having grown up in a landlocked mountain state, of course I “couldn’t surf” because I never had the opportunity to even learn. I hadn’t learned any skills and practiced. Nobody in my family are surfers so I didn’t “inherit” any skills from them. 

However, now I can surf because I have practiced and learned through observation, trial and error, Youtube, and friends. Obviously I’m not some surf goddess, but because I’ve taken the time to learn and practice, I can do it now.

Just like you can paint.



In this tutorial, I break down and simplify the entire painting process.

It’s for complete beginners.  

After going through this tutorial and trying it out for yourself, I’m convinced that you’ll discover that YOU CAN PAINT!!


Now, the video tutorial is helpful and all, but if you want even more in-depth info as well as a list of materials, a free downloadable reference photo, and exclusive tips & tricks not mentioned in the video, download the free guide below!


I'd love to see what you create!

Shoot me a DM @artofellaeland on Instagram or Tiktok with a photo of your painting. Or, you can email me at

Also feel free to reach out to me on any of these platforms if you have any questions as well. I’m happy to help you with anything!

Thank you as always for being here, I am so grateful for you. 

I hope you get out some paints and try it out!


Catch ya later,


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